
Resources for educators related to PSDGE

In English

CLTP journal (2012): HEADS UP checklist (editor's preface)
Through Other Eyes initiative (2008): Through Other Eyes
OSDE initiative (2006): Open Spaces for Dialogue and Enquiry Methodology
Schooling the world website (2011): Schooling the World Resources
Development Education Association (UK) (ongoing): Think Global Resources
University of Southampton: (Critical) Global Citizenship Education Online Resource
Western States Center (2008): Assessing Organizational Racism.
Western States Center (2008): Dismantling Racism. A resource book.

In German
glokal (2013): Praxishilfe zur postkolonialen Analyse von Bildungsmaterialien, in: glokal (2013): Bildung für nachhaltige Ungleichheit.
BER (2010): Checkliste zur Vermeidung von Rassismus in der entwicklungspolitischen Öffentlichkeitsarbeit.

(more will be added soon)

To offer fedback on resources or suggest the addition of a new resource, please use the comments section below.

1 comment:

  1. BER (2010): Checklists for Avoiding Racism in Development Policy Public Relations
